Updated April 8, 2021
At FIRST, we realize there are many different opinions concerning COVID-19. During this time we are excited that we can offer both online and in-person gathering opportunities. We would like to remind our church family that we seek to follow the guidelines of Jackson County authorities. Although in recent days some guidelines have relaxed a bit, the pandemic is not over. Our authorities continue to ask that we wear masks during our in-person gatherings and observe social distancing as much as possible. For the protection of everyone, masks should remain on during all gatherings, including worship services, group classes and moving within the hallways, even when social distancing is observed.
We continue to offer online options for anyone who is more comfortable being at home. We understand and encourage you to use whatever level of caution is best for your family as you decide whether to worship at I-70 or online. We look forward to seeing many of you in-person this weekend. Together, let’s continue our focus on “knowing Christ and making Christ known!”
Current Sunday Offerings:
In-Person Worship: We offer two worship services at 9:00 & 10:30.
Families with kids and students: We hare once again offering kids and student ministries at both hours. We have developed protocols and safety precautions that we ask each family to follow to ensure everyone's safety.
Online Worship: If you choose not attend in-person, we invite you to continue to join us for our worship livestream. We now stream both the 9:00 and 10:30 worship services. The stream begins ten minutes prior with pre-service fun and important information from our team.
We are continually monitoring changes in the Covid-19 situation, and we will take additional steps if needed. We encourage you to stay engaged through life groups and online opportunities, and please remember that even when everyone is not physically gathered together our ministry still continues throughout eastern Jackson County. Thank you for continuing to be faithful in your giving to help make this possible.