
life change happens best
in small groups

At FIRST, we believe that life change happens best in small groups. At our core, we know that life groups are the place where we can really grow in our relationships with Christ and other believers.

Life is best lived when it’s done together with others. And we’ve designed our groups to provide you with a great opportunity to connect with others in an atmosphere that is fun, casual, and meaningful. Our Life Groups meet in homes all across Eastern Jackson County all throughout the week. These groups gather to pray, study the Bible, grow in fellowship, serve, and to do life together.

People are different and our life groups reflect that. We’ve got lots of different groups, and we encourage you to try a few and find one that really fits you and your family.



Our groups are ready and waiting to welcome you in and to really do life with you. See all our current life groups here.



When you are ready to join a life group, or if you have questions, let us know by completing this simple form.

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ACTS 2:42
“They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers.”

In Acts 2, we get a great picture of the early church. Our prayer is that the life groups at FIRST embody the same spirit that empowered and marked the early church.

current sunday groups

Although many of our people are involved in home life groups, we also know that some people feel most comfortable in a more traditional Sunday School setting. That’s why we offer a variety of Sunday Bible study groups where you can grow in your relationship with God and with other believers. During these classes, group members discover truths about God and His plan for our lives.

Our Sunday Bible groups provide opportunities to study the Bible and to understand how it’s message affects our lives today. Also, some classes provide specific teaching on a variety of specific life circumstances and topics. Our teachers are skilled at presenting the truths of God’s Word with an application which will be usable outside the four walls of the church in your daily life.

As you grow spiritually and build a relationship with those in your Sunday School class, you will begin to minister to each other’s needs. Building a sense of community in Sunday School brings stability in your walk with Christ, your family, and those closest to you.

We invite you to join us for Bible Study at 9:00 or 10:30 am. We have classes for all ages from babies to senior adults. Each Sunday, greeters at our main entrance and Lobby can help you find the class which might fit you best. Contact Matt Evans if you would like more information about our classes.


Have you ever thought about your spiritual journey? It might be that you have been following Jesus for many years, or perhaps you are beginning right now. Either way, our Discipleship Roadmap is a tool to help you identify appropriate next steps in your faith journey. Download the Roadmap and access helpful tools for your journey.

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