Discipleship Roadmap

Tools For Success

Our Discipleship Roadmap is a tool to help you identify appropriate next steps in your faith journey. Download the Roadmap and begin following our suggested milestones today.  On this page we're providing a list of resources to help you on each step of your journey. Many of these resources can be found in the ministry hall at the I-70 Campus.


Lessons of Assurance book:  This simple book is a great resource for anyone who recently received Jesus as Savior, has questions about a relationship, or have doubts about their personal faith. This book can be found in the ministry hall @ I-70 or by contacting matt@fbcbluesprings.org

S.H.A.P.E.  This is an assessment to help you know God’s unique S.H.A.P.E. for your life and how you can be used by God to serve others. (Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences) Click here to download an assessment.

Connect with a Life Group:  Email matt@fbcbluesprings.org to learn more about all our life group options.  You can also see a list of current Life Groups here.

1millionstories.org:  This website is a great tool to help you begin sharing your faith story. Visit the site and follow the prompts to begin sharing your story. After you type  your story into the website, you will be given a specific number that you can use to begin sharing with others.

Meet with staff member:  Find a staff member on Sundays in the lobby, call 816-229-9335, stop by the office during the week or email office@fbcbluesprings.org to connect.


Baptism Discovery:

Why be baptized? Baptism is an outward declaration of your inward decision to surrender to God and follow Jesus Christ. While it does not make you a believer, it is a powerful act of obedience and faith.  Read Mark 1:9, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 18:8

How to be baptized? Going down under the water and then being brought back up reflects Christ’ death and resurrection. As we read about baptism in scripture, we always read about people going down into the water and coming back out. That is why we practice baptism by immersion.  Read Matthew 3:16, Acts 8:38-39

Who Should be baptized? Every person who has received Christ as Lord should be baptized. Baptism always follows a confession that Jesus is Lord.  Read Acts 8:12

When can I be baptized?  We baptized people almost every Sunday. Any of our pastors would love to sit down with you to learn what God is doing in your life and set a time for your baptism.  Please contact the church office at 816-229-9335 or email matt@fbcbluesprings.org to take steps towards baptism.

First Connections Class: This six-week long class gives you an in-depth look at what we believe at FIRST.  You will learn about our core values, strategies and the 6 G’s. Classes are held on Sunday mornings at both campuses. Email joyce@fbcbluesprings.org to register.

Next Steps Class: This three-week class helps you take a next step in your faith journey. During Next Steps you will learn exactly how you can use your Spiritual Gifts at FIRST, grow in your faith and how to confidently share the plan of salvation.  Email lindsey@fbcbluesprings.org to join a class.

1 Verse Evangelism: Click here to learn a simple way to confidently and clearly share the plan of salvation.


Learn to Apply Scripture:

21 Day John Reading Guide (click here): Read one chapter each day and spend time with God using the devotionals and questions provided.


Try one of these styles of reading and applying scripture:


Scripture: Take a look at the scripture that you are reading and write out the one verse that spoke to you the most.

Observe: What captured your attention as you read this passage? Did God speak to you as you were reading it?  What did you learn or observe from the passage?

Apply: What part of this scripture can you apply to your life? What will change in your life if you do?

Pray: Ask God to give you a clear understanding of this scripture. Ask Him to help you apply it to your life. Pray that scripture over yourself.



Highlight: After reading a passage highlight every verse that stands out to you.

Explain: Explain what the text you read means to you. Asking yourself questions like: Why was this written? Who was it written for? How does this fit? What is being communicated?

Apply: Application of scripture is the heart of this process.  Challenge yourself to write 2 to 4 sentences about how the scripture applies to your life.

Respond: Your response to the scripture may take many different forms, however, think about how your life is going to be different today because of what you learned.


Financial Peace University: Email office@fbcbluesprings.org to inquire about our next class.

90 Day tithe Challenge: Click here to learn more.


Memorizing 26 Verses:  Click here to download scripture memory cards

Life Group Leader Training:  Contact matt@fbcbluesprings.org if you are interested in learning more about our Life Group Leader training process.

Ministry Leader Training:  Contact lindsey@fbcbluesprings.org if you are interested in learning more about becoming a leader in one of our ministries

Mission Team Training:  Contact mattsprink@fbcbluesprings.org if you are interested in going on a mission trip.

Automated Giving:  Visit our online giving page for more information.


2 Timothy 2:2:  As followers of Christ, we are called to lead our friends from not knowing Christ to fully devoted follower of Him.  2 Timothy 2:2 says “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witness entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”  

Use Roadmap with a Friend:  Take our Discipleship Roadmap and work through it with a friend.  Take time to look at what their next steps in their faith journey could be and help them find tools to make it happen.

Recognize Who’s on Your Heart

Oikos Card: Your Oikos, are those 8-15 people with whom you have developed, are developing in relationally, or maybe should develop relational equity.  Take some time to pray about who God has placed in your life for you to begin intentionally investing in.  Click here to download an Oikos card.

Live Out Evangelism Strategy:
Invest – Build a Relationship, Share a Verbal Witness
Invite- Invite to Worship Service, Invite to Life Group
Imitate- Consistently live out the 6 G’s (Grace, Growth, Groups, Gifts, Giving and Going)