Special Called Business Meeting

Our church constitution requires a vote of the church to authorize the Board of Trustees to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any church property.  When purchasing the I-70 property, it was discussed that we would sell our property on south 7 highway.  However, we didn’t actually vote at that time.  In order to satisfy the requirements of the constitution, we need to have a vote to sell the south 7 property.

We are currently exploring different options of selling the property in total or dividing it into residential and commercial.  The trustees are working with a realtor to determine the best deal to help the church move forward.  We have one scenario that has recently been discussed, and may soon be an offer, as follows:  The land is 38.77 acres.  If divided, the west approx. 27.5 acres would be for residential development. The east frontage, approx. 11.27 acres along 7 Hwy, would be commercial.  This includes a 500’ X 500’ section at the corner of Wyatt Road for a 2 tier commercial pad and the remainder being 300’ deep for single tier commercial pads. The expected offer would be $15,000 per acre for the residential portion.

Due to our current gathering restrictions, the vote will take place on Sunday, May 17, via a special email. There will be a Q&A opportunity available via Zoom on Wednesday, May 13, at 6:00 PM. If you would like more details on the potential offer, you are encouraged to join. The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85084154832?pwd=Vm1Za2pKSkx5VVloeXJxSnpnOUVsQT09

Meeting ID: 850 8415 4832
Password: VoteS7

Thank you for giving prayerful attention and consideration to this matter.

The event is finished.


May 17 2020


10:30 am