One of our six G’s at FIRST is Going. it is our prayer that every person will be involved in some manner of “going” to serve others who need the love of Jesus, either locally or internationally.  As part of our missions discipleship strategy, we have partnered with Project HOPE to send two teams to serve in Nicaragua in 2020.  Will you pray about going?

There is nothing quite like the experience of being God’s hands and feet to people in a third world culture who, in many cases, have little to nothing.  During our time in Nicaragua, we have the opportunity to come alongside these impoverished people and help meet both physical and spiritual needs.

Teams are open to any adult, male or female, who is in good physical condition and is willing to step out of their comfort zone and simply be a tool that God can use. Although we build homes as a major part of these trips, prior construction experience or skills is not a requirement.  In addition to building homes, team members may also help provide meals, assist with medical care, minister to women, lead VBS for children, and most importantly build relationships with these people – so that we might share with them how Jesus can bring them eternal hope. There are things that everyone on the team can do, regardless of skill level.  If you can show love to people, you can participate.  Be prepared… It may just change your life!

• June 27 - July 4 - Adults and HS Students/Families
• November 7-14 - Adults

Each trip will cost between $1200 and $1600, which includes all travel, lodging, meals and supplies.  Teams will be forming soon, and and information meeting will be held in February for information regarding the summer trip.  Watch for upcoming announcements to be made. If you have questions or would simply like to find out more - or if you're ready to say "I'm in," -  please email Pastor Lee Sisney.

want to see more?

glimpses of a trip to nicaragua